Queertawe logoIntergenerational (16+) creative workshops for the queer community  in Swansea.

About Queertawe

The QueerTawe project is an opportunity to connect the LGBTQI+ people and communities of Swansea in creative workshops, exploring and learning from each others' individual and collective journeys and histories.

It will be bringing together the LGBTQI+ community with professional artists and queer creatives through monthly writing, performance, visual arts and music workshops, beginning January 2024.

This inter-generational project will establish safe, creative and inclusive spaces where queer Swansea can celebrate itself and its stories, all coming together in a Creative Explosion of events in Christmas 2024.

Click here to keep up-to-date with the project

Workshops take place in Swansea on Monday evenings between 5:30pm-8:30pm

Click here to see the workshop timetable and to sign up

Gweithdai creadigol i bob oed (16+) i gymuned cwîar Abertawe.

Am Queertawe

Mae'r prosiect hwn yn gyfle i gysylltu pobol a chymunedau LHDTC+ Abertawe mewn cyfres o weithdai creadigol, yn archwilio a dysgu drwy brofiadau a theithiau bywyd ein gilydd.

Bydd yn dod â'r gymuned LHDTC+ ynghyd ag artistiaid creadigol cwîar mewn gweithdai misol mewn sgwennu, perfformio, celfyddydau gweledol a cherddoriaeth, yn cychwyn Ionawr 2024.

Bydd y prosiect rhyng-genhedlaethol yma yn sicrhau gofod saff, creadigol a chynwysiedig i bobol cwîar Abertawe gael dathlu eu hanes, gyda phopeth yn dod at eu gilydd mewn ffrwydriad credigol o ddigwyddiadau Nadolig 2024.

Cliciwch yma i gael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am y prosiect 

Gweithdai yn Abertawe bob nos Lun 5:30yh - 8:30yh

Cliciwch yma i weld amserlen y gweithdy ac i gofrestru