Supporting parent carers of young adults aged 14 - 25 with a disability to influence how services which affect them are delivered.

By working together with service providers the project aims to improve the delivery of parent carer health and social care, making services more responsive, accessible and appropriate to their and their child’s needs.

The project offers parent carers advocacy support; information sessions; and accredited training as well as offering sessions for service providers on transition.

A number of beneficiaries have completed a Peer Advocacy training course and have undertaken training in Independent Advocacy Level 2. There is ongoing attendance at the following planning and strategy groups: ASD Strategy Group, Co-production Implementation Group, Disability Strategy Group and Children and Young People Provider Forum.

A carer led training package for professionals is also being developed.

To find out more and get involved, please contact:

Swansea Carers Centre partner logoCarers Transition Officer – Angela Maguire

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01792 653344

The project is delivered by Swansea Carers Centre. Please click here to visit their website.