Here you will find resources to support organisations that registered with / are registering with the SBUHB third sector provider framework.

Support & resources for groups who completed the initial registration

'Developing a Quality Policy' Information Sheet - commissioned by SCVS from Eileen Murphy Consultancy Ltd in June 2022. Click to download

Cyber Essentials Guidance - the National Cyber Security Centre has a range of resources and an interactive toolkit which can be used to support your group with undertaking the assessment. Click here to visit the site.

(SCVS are also looking at options for training sessions to help with the process - further information available soon) 

Support & Resources for the initial registration process (when the it is open)



Click here for an information sheet we’ve put together outlining the steps your organisation needs to take to register with the framework

Click here for a step by step guide to registering with Sell2Wales

Click here for a step by step guide to registering with the eTender Wales Bravo Solutions Portal

Policies and additional information:

As part of the registration process, you will be asked for a copy of your Safeguarding Policy – click here for an ‘SCVS Safeguarding Policy Development Guidance Sheet’in Word which can be adapted for your use

SBUHB require bidders to provide a statement in relation to the Modern Slavery Act regardless of their annual turnover - click here for information and a template which SCVS have developed for your use

Acid Test Ratio - PQQ Question 1.6.4 F4 asks you to provide an Acid Test Ratio calculated from your last set of audited accounts. Here is an Information Sheet that SCVS have developed giving examples of how to calculate your organisations Acid Test Ratio, and here is an interactive calculator that we have developed to generate your Acid Test Ratio figure once you have the relevant information.

Quality Assurance / Management Systems - there are questions within the PQQ that ask about Quality Assurance / Management Systems you may have for your organisation. V2: Updated 4th May - Here is an information sheet we've put together outlining what that means, and what you need to do - this now includes a simple map of ISO 9001 Quality Management Principles aligned with the Quality Areas previously used in PQASSO / Trusted Charity.


As we receive questions from the sector about the SBUHB third sector framework, we wanted to reflect on some of the most commonly raised queries in relation to the process that we have received to date. We’ll add the more commonly asked questions and answers here to help you through the process:

Q - It is hard for us as a small organisation to go through this process? Is it worth us trying to get on the Framework? 

A - We appreciate that this might be a very new experience for lots of organisations and groups and at times can feel overwhelming. But just to reassure you, SCVS is here to provide as much support to third sector organisations in the Swansea area as you need. The support we offer is tailored to the needs of your organisation - this could be from supporting you to register on e-bravo to supporting with the development of policies and procedures. Please just get in touch with Amy Meredith-Davies ([email protected]) to have an initial conversation and we will put a plan in place to support you. NPTCVS are also offering support to organisations based in the Neath Port Talbot area (contact them at: [email protected])
We would encourage as many organisations as possible to get on the Framework – see below question for the reasons why.

Q - Is there any indication of the type of funding / commissioned services that will be available?

A - Whilst the details of the actual funding won't be known until July 2022, information on the 'Lots' (themes) is available now - click here to read the SBUHB Framework Specification

Q - What does it mean if I am not on the Framework?

A - If you think of the Framework as something like a pre-approved suppliers list, what this means is that only organisations on the framework will be eligible to apply for Health Board Funding, which relates to this current opportunity but also future funding opportunities, as they arise. If you wish to access Health Board funding in the future, then this is a really important opportunity.

Q - What do I need to do to get started?

A - We have produced an information sheet which talks you through some of the things that you need to do to get started. You can find it by clicking here

Q - I am not sure if I am completing it correctly?

A - We can meet with you to chat through the process. We are also happy to arrange a TEAMS/Zoom call to go through this with you online, as you start to fill things out on the portal.

Q – Will this be the only chance to join the SBUHB third sector provider framework?

A – Although the Health Board have said that there will be further opportunities to join in the future it is currently unclear when that might be. We encourage your organisation to sign up now if at all possible.

Q - My organisations annual turnover doesn't fall within the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act, so I assume I don't need to produce a statement?

A - Whilst most local voluntary organisations don’t fall within the requirements of section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, the Health Board have stated the following within the PQQ:

“Swansea Bay University Health Board is committed to ensuring that procurement activity conducted on behalf of NHS Wales is done so in an ethical way. To ensure Contractor activities are conducted on a fair basis, the bidder must provide transparency of their supply chains. Taking influence from the Modern Slavery Act 2015, the bidder will be required to provide a slavery and human trafficking statement. Question 9.1a determines whether a supplier needs to follow the strict reporting criteria set out in the Modern Slavery Act, however a statement is required from all bidders regardless of their annual turnover.”

SCVS have produced information and a template which you can use to help your organisation with this (click here)

Q - There is a question asking me to provide my organisations 'Acid Test Ratio' - what is this and how do I work it out?

A - Your Acid Test Ratio is calculated from your last set of audited accounts - SCVS have developed an Information Sheet and an interactive calculator to help you with this - it can be found in the Policies and Additional Information Resource section at the top of this page.

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