We run a wide programme of courses to help third sector organisations gain the knowledge, skills and confidence to survive and thrive in these challenging times.  

We run three terms of in-house courses throughout the year:

Autumn (September – December)

Spring (January – March)

Summer (April – July)

The courses vary from term to term in order to deliver the training which third sector organisations in Swansea say they need.

Wherever possible, we try to respond to the training needs of Swansea’s voluntary sector. If you don’t see the course you need in this term’s programme, let us know what you want - click here to complete a quick questionnaire about the topic you'd like to see covered - Please keep in mind that SCVS cannot guarantee that we will be able to deliver all the training suggested. Alternatively, you could consider bespoke courses for your organisation, click here for more information.

Contact Claire Davies on 01792 544003 or email [email protected]

Please note that there is a limit of three places per organisation, per course, initially. If there are spaces available closer to the time, we may be able to add on extras, please show your interest.

It's never TOO early to book you place on our courses - We need a minimum number of participants in order to run our sessions. With trainer's cancellation time periods in mind, it's best to book earlier rather than later so we can have an idea of numbers in advance.