SCVS Trustees with Alun Evans, Chair pictured centre at the SCVS Team away day, August 2022We are very sorry to announce that our Chair, Alun Evans has passed away. He has been a part of SCVS Board of Trustees since 1998, and our Chair since 2008. 

Alun is well known to many of us in the sector; as a tireless advocate, a passionate supporter, a critical friend and an expert voice. He above all has always been generous, warm hearted and supportive to SCVS staff, volunteers and his fellow trustees. To say that he will be missed by all of us is a huge understatement.

Our thoughts are with Alun’s loved ones at this difficult time.

SCVS Director, Amanda Carr, said “We have as SCVS been blessed to have Alun as a Trustee since 1998. We are so, so sorry to hear of his untimely death. 

Alun has been an advocate for the sector since he joined our Board, so many years ago as a young man, who has continued to advocate for young people taking up Board positions.

Alun has been our beloved Chair over many years. In this time his support to us as a staff and volunteer team has been vital. 

As Chair, Alun had a very clear direction of travel for our organisation, supported by other Trustees he ensured effective governance of our organisation.

Alun is responsible for where we are today, in a good place, responsive to the communities we serve and considerate of our staff. Alun has over seen us becoming a more diverse organisation- a priority for Alun and our Board.

We want to ensure we live Alun’s focus on professional curiosity and the organisational culture built on that and we are committed to delivering his vision into the future.

All who knew Alun grew very fond of him, and we can’t even begin to imagine what a gap he will leave at this point in time.”

If you have any memories to share, or messages which you would like to be passed to his loved ones, we have created an online form for you to add them here. You can of course also send any messages by email to [email protected] or [email protected] if you would prefer.

At the moment we do not have details of any funeral arrangements, but will of course let you know once we do.

On behalf of all the staff and Trustees at Swansea Council for Voluntary Service.