BME Skills Project logoHarnessing the skills of Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) professionals to benefit BME community groups and organisations across Wales.

The BME Skills Project is a partnership between the Ethnic Minorities and Youth Support Team (EYST), Cardiff Third Sector Council (C3SC), Swansea Council for Voluntary Service (SCVS) and the Association of Voluntary Organisations in Wrexham (AVOW). The project covers, Cardiff, Swansea and Wrexham and is funded by the Big Lottery Fund until December 2020.

The BME Skills Project offers help to Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) community groups and organisations to improve and develop, by bringing the skills and experience of BME professionals, students and graduates in the public, private and academic sectors, to become Volunteer Mentors and potentially as trustees.

Project Officers provide ongoing support (up to 9 months) to BME community groups and organisations to complete an organisational health check using the PQASSO Essentials toolkit. The toolkit is recognised by funders and is free for groups to access. The toolkit is a self-assessment process featuring a series of 10 questions/domains for organisations to work through, identify areas of need and develop actions. The toolkit encourages organisations to establish solid foundations from which they can continue to develop and grow.

The BME Skills Project will recruit a diverse range of individuals with skills and experience in the public, private and academic sector (professionals, graduates and students) who will provide help and assistance as Volunteer Mentors (21 hours, over a period of up to 6 months). Volunteer Mentors will be matched to BME community groups and organisations according to their skills, experience/expertise and interests.

If you would like to get involved, or learn more about the BME Skills Project, please contact SCVS BME Skills Project Officer, Eleri Williams, on 01792 674 840 or via email: [email protected]

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Prosiect Sgiliau BME

Harneisio sgiliau gweithwyr proffesiynol Duon ac o Leiafrifoedd Ethnig (BME) er lles grwpiau a sefydliadau cymunedol BME ledled Cymru.

Mae’r Prosiect Sgiliau BME yn bartneriaeth rhwng Tîm Cymorth Lleiafrifoedd Ethnig ac Ieuenctid Cymru (EYST), Cyngor Trydydd Sector Caerdydd (C3SC), Cyngor Gwasanaeth Gwirfoddol Abertawe (SCVS) a Chymdeithas y Sefydliadau Gwirfoddol yn Wrecsam (AVOW). Mae’r prosiect yn gweithredu yng Nghaerdydd, Abertawe a Wrecsam, ac yn cael ei ariannu gan y Gronfa Loteri Fawr tan fis Rhagfyr 2020.

Mae’r Prosiect Sgiliau BME yn cynnig cymorth i grwpiau a sefydliadau cymunedol Duon ac o Leiafrifoedd Ethnig (BME) i wella a datblygu, drwy fanteisio ar sgiliau a phrofiad gweithwyr proffesiynol, myfyrwyr a graddedigion BME yn y sectorau cyhoeddus, preifat ac academaidd, fel y gallant ddod yn Fentoriaid Gwirfoddol ac,o bosib, yn ymddiriedolwyr.

Bydd Swyddogion y Prosiect yn darparu cefnogaeth barhaus (hyd at 9 mis ) ar gyfer grwpiau a sefydliadau cymunedol BME i’w galluogi i gynnal gwiriad iechyd arnynt eu hunain gan ddefnyddio’r pecyn cymorth PQASSO Essentials. Mae’r pecyn cymorth, a gydnabyddir gan gyllidwyr, ar gael i’w ddefnyddio yn rhad ac am ddim gan grwpiau. Proses hunan-asesu yw’r pecyn cymorth, sy’n cwmpasu cyfres o 10 o gwestiynau/ parthau y bydd sefydliadau’n gweithio eu ffordd trwyddynt gan nodi unrhyw feysydd lle mae angen newid a datblygu ffyrdd o weithredu. Mae’r pecyn cymorth yn cynorthwyo sefydliadau i i sefydlu seiliau cadarn fel y gallant barhau i ddatblygu a thyfu.

Bydd y Prosiect Sgiliau BME yn recriwtio rhychwant amrywiol o unigolion sy’n meddu ar sgiliau a phrofiad yn y sectorau cyhoeddus, preifat ac academaidd (gweithwyr proffesiynol, graddedigion a myfyrwyr) a fydd yn darparu cymorth a chefnogaeth fel Mentoriaid Gwirfoddol (21 awr, dros gyfnod o hyd at 6 mis). Bydd y Mentoriaid Gwirfoddol yn cael eu paru â grwpiau a sefydliadau BME priodol yn unol â’u sgiliau, eu profiad/ gwybodaeth arbenigol a’u diddordebau.

Os carech chi gymryd rhan neu ddysgu rhagor am y Prosiect Sgiliau BME, galwch ein Swyddog Prosiect Eleri Williams ar 01792 674 840 neu anfonwch ebost at: [email protected]

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