SCVS Digital Support Project graphicOne to one support to help people get to grips with technology

As part of the ‘Our Neighbourhood’ project, SCVS, in partnership with Digital Communities Wales, is supporting its community by offering digital support to people who need help and guidance using technology.

We’re looking for volunteers who can offer digital support to people over the phone. Many people need support to use various services online – this may include online shopping, GP services/ordering prescriptions and using different programmes to connect with friends and family; all helping to build people’s confidence with using technology. Volunteers will receive training that will enable them to offer over the phone support to people helping them to access information and support online from their homes.

We train and support volunteers to offer weekly support over the phone for people who would like some help with using unfamiliar technology (for example tablets, phones or laptops) and who can show them how new digital tools can make this difficult time easier and less isolating.

Click here for the Volunteer Information Sheet with more details

To get involved, please contact Rachael Jenkins at SCVS on [email protected] / 07854 819011 

The Project also runs regular (usually weekly) Digital Support sessions at Swansea Central Library - contact Rachael to find out when the next one is.

Do you know, or are you yourself, someone who could benefit from digital support from a volunteer? Click here to download a referral form

Please return completed referral forms to: Rachael Jenkins at SCVS on [email protected] / 07854 819011

Click here to find out more about the Our Neighbourhood Project