Funding distributed to date graphic - Mynydd y Gwair Wind Farm Community Fund June 2024Since the launch of the first round in April 2019, the Mynydd y Gwair Wind Farm Community Fund has distributed more than £1,000,000 to local organisations.

Here you can find information about what has been funded so far. This page will be updated after each grant round has been awarded.


Round & Date Awarded Grant Recipient



Round 1 - April 2019

4th Lliw Valley (Pontardulais) Scouts


- Scout Hall Disabled Toilet & Wet Room

To improve the internal make-up of the hall to include a modern disabled toilet (aimed at wheelchair users), a wet room as well as improve internal doors to accommodate wheelchair access and ease of use to hall users.

Action for Elders


- Health Our Way: Improving the wellbeing of older people in Clydach

Health Our Way aims to work with older people in Clydach to improve their physical, social and mental wellbeing, so that they can get the most out of later life. In the words of Margaret, a group participant: “When I lost my husband, I became very low and hardly ever left the house. I thought I was going to have to go into a care home. Now I feel 10 years younger - I have my independence back and new friends. I feel positive about what the future brings for the first time in a long time.”

Bont Elim Community Church


- Counselling and Support Hub

To convert what is currently a derelict and unusable outbuilding to provide an area that is suitable for counselling and supporting those in need in their community.

Cylch Gwinio’r Bont


- Cylch Gwinio’r Bont Outreach Workshops and Visits

To continue to hold regular activity sessions, and organise extra interesting and innovative workshops in 2019/20. Funding already secured “in house” tutorials and workshops, this funding will compliment these, giving members the opportunity to gain information and experience of other craft-workers and tutors in South and South West Wales and to branch out into different activities. For example, glassmaking, pottery, weaving, woodcarving, macramé, upcycling/recycling, jewellery and beadwork Gain and maintain more and other peoples’ interests (and also to encourage others to join including men).

Felindre Welfare Hall


- Welfare Hall upgrade

Part of a 5-year plan to upgrade the “village hall facility”. They currently deal with over 250 bookings annually, however have potential for 100% more. The events include village clubs, Old Age, Sewing Club, Pilates Group, Youth Group, Flower arranging 2 courses, etc. The funding will be used to upgrade the kitchen, toilet and committee room to be more appealing and comfortable for all users. Plus security, signage and additional tables.

Penllergare Trust


- Renewable energy educational resource

To provide a sustainable training facility to improve volunteer training and engagement, to attract new volunteers and trainees, and to provide opportunities to enhance pre-employment and employment training and development for local people.

Pontarddulais Partnership


- Core Costs

To maintain the Pontarddulais Partnership, a charity that works in the Pontarddulais area and which was incorporated in 2006. The Pontarddulais Partnership works with community volunteers to decide on and work towards the continuing development of Pontarddulais by supporting the involvement of a wide range of people including children, young people, the vulnerable, older people and people that would benefit from support over time to achieve their potential, improve quality of life, wellbeing, employment prospects, sense of pride, community spirit and independence.

Pontarddulais Cricket Club


- Refurbishment of the Indoor cricket practice nets

23 years ago, Pontarddulais cricket club raised £23,000 in a match funding grant project in conjunction the Sports council of Wales to install an indoor cricket practice net facility at Pontarddulais Leisure centre. Some of the equipment, which is used by the local schools and cricket clubs has now deteriorated to the point that only 3 out of 4 nets can be used while some of the remaining equipment is close to being unfit for safe use. The funding will be used to refurbish the worn equipment.

Pontarddulais Comprehensive School


- Bont Comp Sports Hall Flooring Refurbishment

To provide an enhanced sporting facility for all current and future pupils at Pontarddulais Comprehensive School as well as the wider community who use the facility in the evening and on the weekend as a Leisure Centre.

St John Cymru (Pontarddulais Division)


- Bring It On Bont St John

To improve their amenities to better suit the needs of those using the building. Whilst accessibility in the building is good, there are elements missing, and with an increasingly diverse service user, they are keen to meet those needs. The disabled toilet will have hand drying facilities and better storage to improve access (members who are wheelchair users and the local MS support group regularly hire the hall for meetings and training - Beneficiaries - 30-40 people). 

Storage in the main hall is currently not fit for inclusive use, as disabled members are required to move the full length of the hall to access supplies needed for youth sessions. New storage will allow everything they need to run training in one location and at an accessible height (Beneficiaries – 90 members)

Ty Croeso


- Maintaining support for Ty Croeso’s activities

Maintaining activity at Tŷ Croeso through ensuring a proportion of the annual income. Activities include - Food bank (10-12 people per week); Personal counselling service (5 people); ‘Families Anonymous’ (5 people); Exercise (8 people); Credit Union (6 people); Welsh Learners (10-12 people); ‘Tea and Hymns’ (20-30 people, monthly); Wellness walks (10 people, monthly); drop-in service giving vulnerable individuals an opportunity for a chat and a cup of tea in a warm friendly atmosphere (2-6 people each week).

Village Voices


– Continue and growing their community choir

The project is to grow their Community Choir. With increasing interest in the physical, psychological and emotional benefits of singing as a group, they hope to expand and to be able to offer the choir free or at a very small fee to encourage more members of the local community and beyond to attend and experience the benefits of involvement.

Round 2 - October 2019

6th Llangyfelach Scout Group


- Improved toilets access and facilities     

To ensure one toilet area is fully accessible to those who are disabled and to improve facilities through creation of shower area. It is planned to use the building and the land behind it for camping experiences for the scout group’s children and other local groups and so the shower facility will be a much needed addition. 

Carmel Baptist Chapel, Pontlliw


- Refurbishment of Vestry floor      

After so many years of use by members and so many of the community, the time has come to start to renew and replace to ensure that the vestry still looks its best. The grant will be used to replace the flooring in the toilets, hallway and the kitchen which has all become old and well-worn.

Clydach Senior Citizens Social Club


- Enabling Social Interaction for the Elderly

To enable elderly members of the community to spend time with others, as proven to be essential to a senior's mental and emotional health, and physical well-being. Throughout the year 2020, the club intends to organise at least 6 one-day coach trips to various towns chosen by the club's members.

Craig Cefn Parc Welfare Institute


- Refurbishment of the Welfare Community Hall 

To improve catering facilities for community events including pop-up kitchens and deli’s, ‘One Mile Breakfasts’, lunch and supper clubs, curry nights, parties, discos and teas, cookery demonstrations and classes, light refreshments following presentation events and local sports tournaments.

Friends of Coed Gwilym Park, Clydach



- Refurbishment of Pavilion

To provide Public Toilets including a disabled toilet which will be open daily during daylight hours and refurbishing the Pavilion to include painting, new lighting, wall lining, repairing showers and toilets, new upvc windows, repairs to gutters and other repair works.

Friends of Coedbach Park, Pontarddulais


- Safe Passage/Aging Well

To create a proper safe tarmac disabled width pathway in the Park connecting the Coedbach Road entrance with the Gwynfryn Road entrance so that people with prams, or walking difficulties, or wheelchairs can come into the Park and have safe passage to walk from one entrance to the other and also around the football field for health benefits.

Llangyfelach Community Council


- New play equipment in Y Llwyni Park

To install a range of play equipment encouraging children to lead an active outdoor life and provide a place for families to meet and socialise in the fresh air.

Pontlliw & Tircoed Community Council


- Don’t be afraid of IT!

To improve use of information technology by all members of the community but specifically those who may not currently use information technology, may not use it to any great extent or who are afraid of it.





Round & Date Awarded Grant Recipient



Round 3 - 16th March 2020

Dance to Health Pontarddulais


To improve the health and wellbeing of individuals particularly older people, and to help to prevent falls including new extension to our programme is gained from information about “Radjo Taiso” a Japanese exercise scheme for older people.

Friends of Clydach Heritage Centre £1,000

Display stand for model of Swansea Canal Lock and display panel for artefacts and materials in outdoor display area.

Garnswllt Welfare Hall


Installation of new stage lighting and PA system to make the venue suitable for music acts, plays and events, and new tables and chairs are urgently needed to allow us to use the venue to its full capacity.

Old Blacksmith Men's Shed Clydach


To purchase an electric retractable awning to erect at the front of the Shed providing an extension of the workshop space allowing extra people to have more room to work on their projects.

Penllergare Trust


Penllergare Valley Woods has a number of historic hazel coppices. The aim of the project is to fully identify these coppices, start a planned programme of their restoration and maintenance and establish a team of volunteers to help to deliver that programme.

Pontarddulais Comprehensive School


The aim of the project is to provide an enhanced sporting facility for all current and future pupils at Pontarddulais Comprehensive School as well as the wider community who use the facility in the evening and on the weekend as part of the Leisure Centre.

Pontarddulais Cricket Club


To provide an accessible toilet that all club members and visiting organisations (teams/local groups) can use. This project would therefore improve our facilities for members whilst providing an improved facility for all of the community.

Pontarddulais Partnership (food project)


To develop the free food and food bank project further and to develop volunteers to take our Food and Nutrition project further into the community and to distribute food via our food bank and food surplus collections.

Pontarddulais Partnership (group support)


Working with the Our Neighbourhood Development Officer to set-up and support small community groups which are currently not constituted. This funding will cover meeting room costs in order to include all those who need the support of these groups without people having to face barriers due to financial constraints.

Pontarddulais Town FC


Fencing of Pontarddulais AFC Playing Fields to provide a fun and safe environment for the children, young people and adults of Pontarddulais to participate in football training and games.

Round 4 - March 2020 (Covid 19 response, Community & Town councils)

Clydach Community Council



Llangyfelach Community Council



Pontlliw and Tircoed Community Council



Pontardulais Town Council



Penllergaer Community Council



Mawr Community Council


Round 5 - April 2020 (Covid 19 response, Community & Town councils)

Clydach Community Council




Llangyfelach Community Council



Pontlliw and Tircoed Community Council



Pontardulais Town Council



Penllergaer Community Council



Mawr Community Council






Round & Date Awarded Grant Recipient


Round 6 – Small Grants – January 2021

Pontarddulais Age Concern


To provide monthly contact and a delivered lunch to ensure that older people in the group continue to have a meal and that social and health information is shared and discussed. This maintains the engagement of the group members and has motivated people to stay safe and positive until we can meet up.

There will also be access to a technology service so that people can be helped to develop the use of technology to meet their individual needs with confidence, in a safe way and avoid scams.


Bont Elim Community Church


Before lockdown, we were seeing a thousand visits per week in our premises. Benefitting 350 different under 18s, all the way up to seniors and occupational therapy groups, over 84 hours of delivery. The intention, when it is safe to do so, is to rebuild all the groups and classes within the building, as well as expand our services over the next season.


Friends of Coed Bach Park


Provision of play equipment. The primary aim is to provide for a group of young people that have limited access to outside facilities where they can socialise. Because of the accessibility and robustness of the equipment around 500 young people will at times be involved.


Pontarddulais Cricket Club


To create a new 3 bay practice facility to cater for the increase in numbers participating at the club, a facility that is accessible for all members in particular the increasing number of women and girls.


Pontarddulais Partnership


To build on and enhance the work carried out by the Partnership from Canolfan y Bont during the initial Covid-19 lockdown periods to encourage the participation of the community to regain confidence and independence allowing them to reconnect within the community.


Garnswllt Welfare Hall


For work that is essential for the safety of the building and to ensure the future use of a valuable asset to the local community. The internal flooring requires lifting and replacing so that structural external work can be carried out. Installation of smart screen when building work is complete.

Round 6 (Medium Grants) - January 2021

Friends of Craig Cefn Park


To create a Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) which will be built on land that has been identified for development for use by the community.


Mawr Community Council


To carry out vital underpinning work at Garnswllt Welfare Hall to ensure it is fit to deliver services in future years.


Pontardulais Town Band


To carry out improvements to the Bandroom, including installing a heating system, replacement flooring and secure boundary gating


Pontlliw & Tircoed Community Council


To renew the surface of the Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) in Pontlliw Park to make it useable for many years to come. This will enable all members of the community to have access to a safe environment in which to play, exercise and meet.


RSPCA Llys Nini


To enhance community well-being by providing a shelter for a safe, socially distanced, green environment to encourage children to play out doors and bring together parents/carers who may otherwise be isolated but to do this is a well ventilated, semi-open environment.

Round 6 Deferred - Approved April 2021

Pontarddulais Town Football Club


To install a sports field drainage system at the bottom pitch at Coed Bach Park to enable young people from the local community to take part in Football games and training in all weathers.

Round 7 Small-Medium Grants - Approved 4th October 2021

Craig Cefn Park Welfare Hall


To replace the main roof on Craig Cefn Parc Welfare Hall.


Felindre Welfare Hall


To establish the Felindre Exercise Trail which will be used to increase physical activity and improve health and wellbeing in the community.


Friends of Coed Gwilym Park


Contribution towards the construction of a new Community Club House which will occupy a focal point in the park with most users passing by it when they use the park facilities.


Graig Merthyr Memorial


To restore a war memorial that was dedicated to miners that went to war and never returned.


Mawr Community Council - Garnswllt Field


The project is part of the regeneration of Garnswllt Field to enable the community to maximise the use of green space in their local area.


Penllergare Trust


The Trust will integrate and install an Air Source Heat Pump as part of the new Visitor Centre that is being built.


Pontarddulais Comprehensive School - Acoustic panels


Replacement of acoustic panels in main school hall with additional provision in respect of audio-visual equipment and additional seating


Pontarddulais Partnership


Revitalisation of Play Area in Coed Bach Park by putting in place new play equipment that will benefit children and young people aged between 2-14 years old.


Pontarddulais Town FC


Purchase of a new mower to cut the grass on the sports fields at Coed Bach Park, enabling young people from the local community to take part in Football games and training.


Swansea Canal Society


Towards “Phase One” of the refurbishment of the Clydach Canal Centre, starting with the structural design, ground investigation, architectural design and schedule of works.

Round 7 Micro Grant - Approved 4th October 2021

Friends of Clydach Heritage Centre


To interpret the story of the Clydach War Memorial Hospital by means of the commemorative plaques removed from the building when it closed down in 2015 and from archive information about the Hospital.





Running total allocated since the fund began:



Round & Date Awarded Grant Recipient


Round 8 Micro Grants - Approved Jan-Mar 2022 Bont Elim Community Church £800

To provide a safe, dry, lockable shelter for outdoor equipment to be stored when not in use, leaving the Astroturf site clear for the next organisation to use.

Morriston Town FC £1000

To increase the quality of the pitch by ensuring it is in a good enough condition throughout the year to host all our teams and games.

Tircoed Village Trust £990

To replace the Basketball backboard and ring and football goal nets to enable children in the village to use and enjoy these facilities.

Pontardulais Town Band £980

Transport costs to compete at the British Open Brass Band Championship 101st Spring Brass Band Festival in Blackpool in May.

Pontlliw & Tircoed Community Council £1000

An event to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee to bring the whole community together in the preparation for and delivery of the event as well as on the day with a variety of activities on the day with something for everyone.

Friends of Pontlliw Park £1000

Purchase of grass mower to improve the environment and facilities in Pontlliw park to increase community access to the park and use of it.

Jubilee Grants April 2022 (Community & Town councils) Clydach £500

To support the commemoration of the Queen’s Jubilee via a donation to all community and town councils within the eligible area.

The panel want to encourage local commemorative events, for example, to support costs of table/chairs/bunting etc for street parties or perhaps a tree or bench in a local park as a more permanent memorial, run either by the councils directly or by other 3rd sector organisations such as church groups, community centres, scout/guide groups, PTAs etc.

Llangyfelach £500
Pontlliw and Tircoed £500
Pontardulais £500
Penllergaer £500
Mawr £500
Round 9 Small-Medium Grants - Approved 16th June 2022

Pontarddulais & District Community Car Scheme


Purchase of accessible car; electric vehicle if match funding is received.


Friends of Coed Gwilym Park


Contribution to additional costs incurred over last few months to complete the build of a community club house.


Bont Elim Community Church


Replacement of existing polytunnel roof and the installation of an air source heat pump.


Pontarddulais RFC


Contribution to replacement and upgrade of equipment to ensure that the playing surfaces and surrounding land at Coedbach Park are maintained.


Pontarddulais Cricket Club


Contribution to replacement of outfield mower to improve the practice facilities at the club.


Craig Cefn Parc Welfare Institute


Replacement of the Pitched Roof of Craig Cefn Parc Welfare Hall.


Mawr Community Council


Refurbishment of the hall kitchen and laying of new floor in the main hall in Garnswllt Village Hall.


Tircoed Village Trust


Improve the play facilities for children housed within the village and visiting children.


Morriston Town AFC


To extend the pitch and allow for more games to be played throughout the season.





Running total allocated since the fund began:



Round & Date Awarded Grant Recipient


Round 10 Small and Medium Grants - approved Jan 23 Clydach Cricket Club £10,000

Build a new machinery garage and convert the vacated machinery garage to 2 changing rooms with showers and a toilet, as well as creating a larger lounge bar and committee room.

Garnswllt Welfare Hall Association (GWHA) £26,995

To equip Garnswllt Hall with a Fire Alarm and Fire Safety system, an External Emergency Exit Ramp for the Disabled and external safety lighting, particularly in the rear of the building, to provide access and safety of egress, especially during the dark nights of winter.

Mawr Community Council £9,096.44

The replacement of the fences and gates enclosing the football fields on Rhyddwen Road, between the Community Garden and the periphery of MUGA on Ffordd Ellen. 

Pontarddulais Comprehensive School £10,000

Repair of flooring to enhance sporting facilities for all current and future pupils at Pontarddulais Comprehensive School as well as the wider community who use the facility in the evening and on the weekend as a Leisure Centre.

Pontarddulais Partnership £13,895 Pontarddulais Partnership will lead a collaborative project with Bont Elim and Pontarddulais Comprehensive School to initiate ‘One Bont’. This will streamline many of the services, particularly those related to food provision locally, and provide a polytunnel for growing project based at the school.

Round 11 Small-Medium Grants: Approved January – May 2023

Morriston Town FC £915

Kit and Equipment for new women's football team.

Bont Elim £1,000

Contribution to repair six water point entries from the existing roof, which are leaking into various points within the building.

Friends of Coed Gwilym Park £1,000

Contribution to the celebration of the 225th Birthday of the building of the Swansea Canal.

Cylch Chwarae Pontarddulais £1,000

To develop an outdoor area for play and growing by the purchase of a mud kitchen, portable stations and the items needed to grow plants, vegetables and flowers.

Swansea Bay Fibromyalgia Support Group £840

Room hire and promotion of a new daytime meeting for fibromyalgia sufferers and their families who share a common need for information, support, and reassurance

Mawr CC - Felindre Welfare Hall £1,000

Felindre Welfare Hall - Electrical safety and compliance work, remedial action and certification.

Craig Cefn Parc Welfare Institute £1,000 Upgrade and improve the lighting in the hall by removing the existing ceiling tiles and lights and fitting LED lights.
Garnswllt Welfare Hall Association £975

To replace all of the guttering with wide gauge guttering to effectively deal with rain water; to prevent leaking into the newly refurbished kitchen area and hall and protect the hall facilities.

Round 12 Small-Medium Grants - Approved July 2023 Felindre Welfare Association Hall (£26,880 awarded but Hall unable to take up offer)

Solar Panels and Battery Storage Facility - awarded but Hall unable to take up offer, totals below updated.

Friends of Pontlliw Park £5,292.92

Community engagement by enhancements to Pontlliw Park and expansion of hub cafeteria facilities.

Garnswllt Welfare Hall £16,425.60

To improve access to the community hall and fit safe, modern and practical pedestrian gates and vehicle gates for the community to use.

Llangyfelach Scout Group (6th) £15,000

Securing and enhancing our green space for improved and wider community use.

Mawr Community Council £21,696.75

To clear and reinstate an area for forest school sessions at Felindre and to develop provision with Forest School SNPT, to make the woodland space and trail accessible to the whole community.

Morriston RFC



Contribution to the installation of Solar Panels that will reduce of the club’s carbon footprint and lead to a reduction of current overheads.

Additional contribution (previously ringfenced) for installation of solar panels.

Penllergare Trust £5,000

Contribution to Engage with Nature project aimed at connecting the local community with the nature on their doorstep.

Pontarddulais Cricket Club £19,000

Contribution to two essential machines that are used for 6 months of the season are in desperate need of replacing – namely our Tractor and our Pitch Roller.

Pontarddulais RFC £30,000

To partly replace the old and broken halogen floodlight system with a new cost-effective LED system to a match level standard.

2023 TOTAL ALLOCATION SO FAR: £215,131.71
Running total allocated since the fund began: £1,007,047.68


Round and date awarded Recipient Amount Description

Round 13 Micro grants - approved March 2024

Bridge Community Project (BCT) £680 Ongoing costs for the completion of DBS checks, training such as Safeguarding, First Aid, Food and Hygiene, Barista, etc.
City of Swansea Pipeband £998 Purchase equipment needed such as drum pads, drumsticks, pipe chanters and tutor books to help grow and expand the Youth section.
Swansea Bay Fibromyalgia Support Group £500 Room hire, leaflets for new attendees and materials to use for activities during evening support group meetings during 2024.
Garnswllt Welfare Hall Association £1,000 To widen access to, and participation in, the arts by completing the stage fitting custom-made, fire-retardant stage curtains.
Friends of Craig Cefn Parc (FoCCP) £897.95 To purchase a wooden tree bench and two picnic tables so that there are suitable spaces to rest, eat and socialise during family gardening weekends.
Mawr Community Council £834 To purchase the tennis nets and posts so that tennis tasters and coaching sessions can be offered on the MUGA site in Craig Cefn Parc.
RSCPA Llys Nini £938 To plant a “bee corridor” between the trees and wildflower area, across the currently barren car park using native fruit tree species.
Swansea Valley U11s District Rugby £590.20 To promote girls’ rugby in Primary schools within Swansea Valley.
Craigfelen Primary School £1,000 To develop allotments to provide food for the community café.
Mission Church Support  £1,000 For 3 activities Beginnings (baby & toddlers), IT for older people and Meal with Jesus (community meal for older people).
Round 14 Micro Grant - Approved June 2024 Positive Vibes Boxing Academy  £2,000 Room hire and volunteer training costs to run sessions in Pontarddulais.
Menter Iaith Abertawe  £1,950 Payment to performers, volunteer expenses and sound equipment for a one day Welsh Language Music Festival
Friends of Craig Cefn Parc (CCP)  £1,200 To run a series of educational sessions for schools called ‘Nature Days’ these will be biodiversity sessions mapped to KS1.
Llangyfelach Parish Church  £2,000 To buy new chairs which will be more practical and bespoke cupboards to make the best of the limited space available.
Penllergare Trust  £1,940 Engaging children from the local community on a weekly basis to learn about planting, propagating, and gardening. 
Boardability CIC  £2,000 Community taster events providing adrenaline-based activities including skateboarding, scootering, roller blading, mountainboarding, BMX and grass sledges.
Round 14 Main Grant - Approved June 2024 Clydach Cockles  £6,250 To provide accessible and fun dance classes in the local community aimed at improving strength and conditioning. The sessions encourage creativity and help to reduce isolation.  
Coed Bach Bowls Association  £17,000 To purchase essential grounds equipment which will ensure well maintained grounds
Friends of Pontlliw Park  £30,000 To put in place a storage facility to help facilitate community engagement and maintenance of Pontlliw Park.
Pontarddulais Cricket Club  £4,710 To replace their tractor which is essential to carry out pre-season/during season and end of season renovations/maintenance
Pontarddulais RFC  £18,000 To replace old and broken halogen floodlights with energy efficient lighting at the field.
Friends of Coed Gwilym Park  £25,000 To support the purchase of an electric mini bus and accessible electric car to help the development of their Clydach and surrounding areas community transport project.
2024 TOTAL ALLOCATION SO FAR:  £120,488.15
Running total allocated since the fund began:  £1,119,097.68

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