If you are concerned about yourself or for someone else, you may find the SCVS Covid -19 Wellbeing Directory a useful tool to find out about organisations and services that can support you. There is also a NEW Children and Young Person's Mental Health & Wellbeing Website - tidyMinds now available, please click on the links below.

Wellbeing Service Directory for Swansea - Click here to viewPink line drawing of a heart being supported by hands

tidyMinds - Swansea Bay based wellbeing website for young people

                                                    Image of colourful circles, text says tidyMinds is a Swansea Bay based website for young people, their families and the professionals who support them

Directory of Therapeutic Services in Swansea & Neath Port Talbot                                                 Support image royalty free

If you are in crisis.........

You are not alone. You are important. And it is OK to ask for help.
You might be feeling very low or anxious, or just not yourself, and there doesn't seem to be any reason why. Or, for example, you may have lost someone close to you, had a relationship break down, or have money problems. You may be struggling and finding it hard to cope.

Talking to someone can make all the difference.

Below are some helplines and support services that can help.    

If your life or someone else's is in immediate danger, call 999.


C.A.L.L (24 hour) - 0800 132 737 / Text ‘help’ with your question to 81066

NHS Direct (24 hour) - 0845 46 47

Samaritans (24 hour) free phone - 116 123 / text: 07725 909090

DAN24/7 Wales and Drug and Alcohol Helpline (24 hour) - 0808 808 2234 / Text ‘DAN’ to 81066

Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Helpline (24 hour) - 0808 80 10 800

Saneline (6pm - 11pm) - 0300 304 7000

Mind Infoline - 0300 123 3393 / Text: 86463


Childline - 0800 1111     www.childline.org.uk 

MEIC  (Info & advice for children & young people 8am - midnight) - 0808 80 23456 / Text: 84001

NSPCC - 0808 800 5000     [email protected]

Info-Nation  (Advice & Support for 11-25 yr olds) - 01792 484010

Papyrus  (Prevention of young suicide up to the age of 30) - 0800 068 4141 10am - 10pm /

Text: 07786 209697


AADAS Abertawe Alcohol and Drug Assessment Service - 01792 642759

Alzheimer's Society - 01792 531208

Carers Centre - 01792 653344

Citizens' Advice Bureau - 01792 474882

CMHT Community Mental Health Team West Swansea - 01792 517800

CMHT Central Swansea - 01792 517853

CMHT North Swansea - 01792 545780

Cruse Bereavement Care – 01792 462845

GP Out of Hours Service - 111

Hafal Swansea Mental Health Charity - 07967 329697

Housing Options - 01792 533100

Social Services - 01792 636000

Social Services nights / weekends - 01792 775501

Swansea Mind Mental Health Charity - 01792 642999

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