Information about how to get your message across in the third sector (English and Welsh are available).

Marketing and Communications Planning

Cynllunio Dulliau Marchnata a Chyfathrebu  





Website Development and Maintenance

Datblygu a Chynnal a Chadw Gwefannau

The Knowledge Hub gives voluntary organisations in Wales easy access to a range of free online resources, networking and learning.

If you work or volunteer for a charity, community group or voluntary organisation of any kind in Wales, then the Knowledge Hub is here to help.

Registering for free on the Knowledge Hub gives you the opportunity to upskill yourself, learn, and access high quality information on key areas such as running your organisation, volunteering, funding and influencing.

If your group would like help or further information please email [email protected] 

Don't forget!

SCVS communicate with the local sector through our website, monthly ebulletins, email alerts, hardcopy publications and social media. If your organisation wants to promote something - whether that's an event, job vacancy, venue or a news story, contact Gail at SCVS.

Gail Hanlin, Communications Coordinator - [email protected] / 01792 544011 (Direct line)